1. Hello, thank you for your work that allows us to take Gregorian chant to more people.

    I just heard the song “Hosanna Filio David” on You tube, would you like to send me this score?

    Thank you again for your work.

    Peace and good

  2. Congratulations for your excellent initiative and work!
    I’ve just listtened to Credo that you recorded and posted on your youtube channel, following the partiture (Graduale 1961) and it was clear and very well-spelled! Perfect!

  3. Thank you for working so hard on this project. You’ve done an outstanding job creating quality resources for introducing more people to chant. I learned to chant with the Graduale Triplex but have since moved and do not have access to a copy of the chant with the neumatic notation included. Your Youtube channel has been an invaluable resource in leu of a copy of the Graduale Triplex. I have recommended your content several times to help beginners learn to chant. Thank you again for your outstanding work!

  4. Great project. Congratulations!
    I’m singing with the “Choralschola” of St, Aposteln in Cologne for many years. Every Sunday we sing the complete Proprium and different Ordinarium’s.
    For me, your interpretation is the best that I could find in the Web.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Some years ago I visited the Mass in St. Aposteln several times. I was also in contact with Mr. Hohman.
      Schöne Grüße nach Köln!

  5. Hi, you project and your performance is fantastic, thank you! I often like to produce pdf scores of Gregorian chants, how do you produce them? I’m only able to write the black neumes, but not the red notation, thank you anyway!

  6. Dear Marek, this is an great project. We have the Propers of the Mass sung in Latin in Gregorian chant at our church, on the Sunday Evening Mass. As a Cantor, I can appreciate the significant amount of work that you have put into this project. Your singing is really quite exceptional. Would you object to me sharing your rendition of the chants with our seminarians, choir, and congregation?

    1. Robert, would you please say where your church is that has the Sunday Evening Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant? I am in North Carolina, USA, where we are looking for a new Director of Sacred Music who has a good background in and love for Gregorian chant. We have had the traditional Latin Mass for Sundays, holy days, and feast days, singing the Gregorian propers for two decades. I need to retire now and we are finding it difficult to find someone with extensive knowledge of the chant, practice in the teaching of it, and true appreciation of the treasure that it is.
      I’m delighted to have found this website that shows the scores with semiology and beautifully sung, which is a great aid to my choir in learning the chants for Mass. May God richly bless you all!

  7. I came across this by great luck on Spotify. Thank you so much for this gorgeous work! It is remarkably peaceful. I use earbuds at work –– the place is endlessly noisy and frenetically busy, so the chant is a real balm to the soul. Thank you, thank you!

  8. Greetings Marek
    Thank you for your work on your Gregorian Chant project. Your videos have been a great help for our little schola.
    Would it be possible for you to record the Graduale and Alleluia “In Conspecto” from the Mass of St. Raphael?
    Our chapel of St Raphael is preparing for a solemn Mass for the blessing of our chapel this October. This would be of IMMENSE help if possible, to give us time to practice before the great Mass.

    Serdeczne Bóg Zapłać!

    Marc/Marek J. Ratusz

  9. Hello, I am not very good at English. The following is translated using Google. Please forgive me.

    Well, I am a fan of singing software. I came into contact with Gregorian chant last year. Since then, I hope to bring the art of chant to the VOCALOID composition circle and continue to study on my own.

    I came across your work on YouTube in the past few days. It’s a treasure trove for me, thank you very much for your enthusiasm on this project. I have learned a lot from your hard work. This is my study work:

    I have a gracious request here. Can you allow me to use synthesis software to cover the songs in your videos? Because I don’t know much about whether there are any rules about this in the Psalms, I came here to ask.

    Thanks again

    1. Hello, I am not sure what you are asking. The music itself is in Public Domain, you do not need permission to sing, or play and record it. If, however, you would like to use my recordings – then you need my permission.
      Please, let me know which one it is.
      Marek Klein

      1. Okay, thank you very much. I don’t need your recording. This is generated by computer software, so I just need to debug it myself. You can understand that there are people in the computer who are like Musical Instruments singing according to the music. Thank you again

  10. Hi, I’ve come here from your wonderful Youtube channel. The whole mankind should be grateful to your job and passion.

    I’ve recently noticed in my church a little gregorian chant (the beginning at least) written on a chapel. Would you kindly help me finding it out? It shows the F clef and the notes are: A to D, E, F, then A slides to G, then B flat, G, F-E and D. The chant starts a sixth below the clef.
    The text goes ‘Tantum ergo sacramentum’ etc but it doesn’t match it.

    Thank you

  11. Today I would like to say thank you for the many chorales that you have already recorded. I always like to link to them on our website https://www.stlaurentius-warendorf.de/standard-titel/kirchenmusik/schola-gregoriana, where I post a selection of the Propers for the Sundays of the year. Our Schola is currently inactive, but the contributions are intended to keep alive the joy of the beauty of Gregorian chant.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    1. Lieber Herr Sternberg, vielen Dank für das Lob und für die Mitteilung!
      Schöne Grüße nach Deutschland aus Ko3ice, Slowakei.
      Marek Klein

  12. (1) Thank you for your work and may God reward you for it!

    (2) Do you have any plans, or would you consider, doing the same project, but for the Graduale Simplex?

      1. Thank you so much. I teach music at a Catholic school and find it essential to go back to the roots of it all. You may not know it, but you’ve been great help. God bless.

  13. Hello,
    Thanks for all your help. The resources we find in your website and works is so helpful
    Could you please point me to where I can find the score of the Introito Nunc Scio Vere. I have the GT book but when I try to make a picture it always has the yellow background.
    In my schola now I use an Ipad and I like to have a clear background.
    Thanks a lot once more

  14. Thank you very much for sharing this treasure of the Church, it has been a great blessing and useful to me, I currently sing in a traditional liturgical choir. God reward them for the good they do. Jackie Molina

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