Abbey Library of St. Gallen (Switzerland) is available online! Or at least part of it. At the moment, you can study 144 medieval manuscripts on the Website Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG), among them important codices with neumatic notation including famous Codex Hartker:
- Codex 338 – Computus, Breviarium, Graduale, Sakramentar (1050-1060) Graduale is on folios 36 – 317
- Codex 339 – Kalendar, Graduale, Sakramentar (980, 1000)
Graduale has 140 pages - Codex 340 – Kalendar, Graduale, Sakramentar
(3. third of century) Graduale has 160 pages - Codex 342 – Kalendar, Lektionar, Graduale, Sakramentar
(10th, 11th century) Graduale has 163 pages
- Codex 359 – Cantatorium (922 – 925), 170 pages, the earliest complete extant musical manuscript in the world
- Codex 361 – Graduale 12th century, 142 pages
- Codex 374 – Graduale, Lektionar half of 11th century, 845 pages (Graduale 176)
- Codex 375 – Chantbook from 12th century – Graduale has 212 pages
- Codex 376 – Kalendar, Computus, Tropar, Graduale, Sequentiar (half of 11th century) – contains sequences of local monk Notker the Stammerer (Notker balbalus, †912)
Troparium – 43 pages, Graduale – 239 pages, Sekquentiar – 114 pages. - Codex 380 – Kalendar, Computus, Tropar, Sequentiar
(1050 – 1060) Troparium – 89 pages, Sequentiar – 269 pages - Codex 381 – Versicularium, Hymnar, Tropar, Sequentiar (930) – 498 pages
- Codex 382 – Tropar, Versicularium, Sequentiar 11., 13. – 14. century, 270 pages
- Codex 383 – Sequentiae. Hymni 13. – 14. century, 176 pages, quadratnotation
- Codex 388 – Antiphonar 12., 14. century, 498 pages, quadratnotation
- Codex 390, 391 – Antiphonarium officii (990 – 1000)
– also known as “Codex Hartker”. 183 + 251 pages - Codex 413 – Breviar 11. – 14. century, 702 pages
- Codex 414 – Breviar 11. – 14. century, 666 pages
- Codex 484 – Tropar 10. century, 320 pages
- Codex 546 – Collectio S. Gallensis troporum et sequentiarum 1507, 820 pages, quadratnotation
UPDATED 2008-05-20
K dnešnému dňu je digitalizovaných už 131 rukopisov. Medzi rukopisy s chorálnou neumatickou notáciou pribudol
Codex 378 – Kalendar, Computus, Tropar, Sequentiar
Má 400 strán, pochádza z polovice 11. storočia – doplnený o sekvencie z 13. storočia.
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