V nedeľu 30.5. na sviatok Najsvätejšej Trojice bude náš vokálny súbor spievať pri odpustovej svätej Omši v kostole Premonštrátov v Košiciach. Omša sa začína o 16:00. Srdečne pozývame! V nedeľu 30.5. a 6.6. sa nekonajú latinské sv. Omše v Dóme sv. Alžbety v Košiciach.
Continue ReadingMonth: May 2010
Concert for Kyrgyzstan
Our vocal ensemble will be performed on May 29th 2010 at the Benefit concert for Kyrgyzstan. More details on the poster (in Slovak language only)
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On the website of the Abbey of Solesmes (which is celebrating its 1000th year since its foundation in 1010) we can read: In 1833, a young priest of the diocese of Le Mans, Dom Prosper Guéranger, undertook the restoration of benedictine monastic life on the site of an old priory at Solesmes, after forty years […]
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Musicologie médiévale: Hoc rete factum est ut musicologae mediaevisti, gregorianistae et aliae personae quae gregorianum vel mediaevalem cantum amant inter se facile communicare possint. Hoc rete poterit sic unusquisque non tantum optime dare operam, ut cognoscatur opus suum sed etiam cum hominibus novissime cognitis convenire. Nolite haesitare ut aliis membris vocetis… This network was created […]
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