On the website of the Abbey of Solesmes (which is celebrating its 1000th year since its foundation in 1010) we can read: In 1833, a young priest of the diocese of Le Mans, Dom Prosper Guéranger, undertook the restoration of benedictine monastic life on the site of an old priory at Solesmes, after forty years […]
Continue ReadingCategory: Notation
Empty gregorian music sheet
Friend of mine asked for Empty gregorian music sheet – maybe it could be helpful for someone else too.
Continue ReadingE-codices: Call for collaboration
Would you like a manuscript? You can propose which manuscript held in manuscript collections within Switzerland should be digitized this year. Deadline is 10th of July 2009 – Hurry up! e-codices – Call for Collaboration
Continue ReadingGregoriani Cantus
Juan Andrés Alzate P. (Medellín, Columbia), author of the font Festa Dies for quadratic notation has now his website with the title Gregoriani Cantus. Beside his own font there are links to other useful resources. UPDATED 2009-03-01
Continue ReadingCantatorium
There is 13 more manuscripts available In the virtual Library Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG), among them important codices with neumatic notation including Cantatorium – the earliest complete extant musical manuscript in the world (922 – 925): Codex 338 – Computus, Breviarium, Graduale, Sakramentar (1050-1060) Graduale is on folios 36 – 317 Codex 359 – Cantatorium […]
Continue ReadingGregofacsimil
Great new source of information about chant manuscripts and also source of chant scores is available online on the site Gregofacsimil. Website is in French language. If you don’t understand French at all, you can try automated translations: English, German. On the page you can find introduction to problematic of restitution of chant melodies, some […]
Continue ReadingGraduál z Bellelay
Ďalší hodnotný neumatický rukopis je dostupný online. Graduál z premonštrátskeho kláštora v Bellelay z dvanásteho storočia obsahuje na 362 stranách repertoár na celý liturgický rok. Notácia je diastematická s neumami na štvorliňajkovej osnove. Súčasťou stránky je aj rozsiahla štúdia rukopisu s indexom a možnosťou vyhľadávania. Jazykom stránky je francúzština.
Continue ReadingCodices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) – virtual Library
Abbey Library of St. Gallen (Switzerland) is available online! Or at least part of it. At the moment, you can study 144 medieval manuscripts on the Website Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG), among them important codices with neumatic notation including famous Codex Hartker: Codex 338 – Computus, Breviarium, Graduale, Sakramentar (1050-1060) Graduale is on folios 36 […]
Continue ReadingThe Schøyen Collection
Krásne ukážky zo súkromnej zbierky historických rukopisov sú k dispozícii na stránke The Schøyen Collection. Okrem ukážok z mnohých iných oblastí je medzi hudobnými rukopismi viacero reprodukcií chorálnej neumatickej notácie, napríklad St. Gallenskej, aquitánskej, beneventskej, germánskej (hufnagel), ostrihomskej a ďalších.
Continue ReadingGregorian Chant – Plainchant – Gregoriaans
Skvelú stránku venovanú gregoriánskemu chorálu vytvoril Willy Schuyesmans. Stránka je dostupná v angličtine, francúzštine, portugalčine a holandštine. Veľmi pekne popisuje históriu chorálu, stručne vysvetľuje aj notáciu a teóriu módov. Zaujímavý je aj zoznam kláštorov, v ktorých sa v súčasnosti pestuje gregoriánsky chorál. Za veľmi hodnotnú považujem diskografiu – zoznam chorálnych nahrávok s ukážkami, komentármi a […]
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