Here are some examples from our concert of november 4th: gregorian/Fabio Fresi: Alleluia (Erructavit) gregorian/Renate Stivrina: Ecce sacerdos Magnus gregorian/Fabio Fresi: Fortem virili pectore Lectio: Corinthians 13:8-13 (slovak) Renate Stivrina: Caritas numquam excedit Imant Raminsh: Ave verum corpus Lectio: Isaiah 6,3 (slovak) Víťazoslav Kubička: Sanctus Zdeněk Lukáš: Pater noster Eugen Suchoň: Zdrava’s Mária (slovak) gregorian/Fabio […]
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Benefičný koncert Košice – Terasa – report
Little selection from concert: Agni parthene Stella splendens Kedrov: Otče naš Balakirev: Angel vopijaše Ľvov: Dostojno jesť texty
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Here it is – Photos and Recordings from our concert in Kavečany last week: Tu es Petrus – gregorian antiphon with psalm 111. Final polyphony composed just for this event by Víťazoslav Kubička (*1953) Aurea luce – hymnus – Cello part composed just for this event by Víťazoslav Kubička (*1953) and played by 13 years […]
Continue ReadingDeň pamiatok – report
Oneskorene, ale predsa prinášame niekoľko obrázkov a nahrávok z nášho účinkovania v Červenom kláštore 19.4.2008. O. di Lasso: Magnificat Primi Toni s antifónou “Deposuit potentes” z kartuziánskeho kódexu. Príslušné fólio kódexu si môžete pozrieť tu. O. di Lasso: Falsobordone quarti toni – žalm 110 Dixit Dominus, antifóna kartuziánska “Pater sancte”. Táto antifóna sa pravdepodobne spievala […]
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As a part of Festival of sacred Art sung our vocal ensemble Gregoriana concert on 18th of November in st. Elisabeth Cathedral in Košice (Slovakia): Gaude Sion devotion of st. Elisabeth in medieval and renaissance liturgy. In this post you can find Recordings and Photos from this Concert. Organ Officium “Gaudeat Hungaria“, Matutinum: Invitatorium: “Corde […]
Continue ReadingFestival of sacred Art
As a part of Festival of sacred Art in Košice on november 19. – 26 sung the vocal ensemble Gregoriana Concert on november 21. in the St. Michaels Chapel. In this post you can find Recordings from this Concert and Photos from general rehearsal and Concert.
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úcta k anjelom v stredovekej a renesančnej liturgii
Dóm sv. Alžbety v Košiciach 22.10.2005 o 19:00
gregoriánsky chorál a renesančná polyfónia v podaní vokálneho ansámblu Gregoriana
Ponúkame vám program, ukážky a fotografie z koncertu
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