We wish you a Blessed Christmas Time! If you use spotify, we have several playlists with selection of Christmas Music for you: Christmas Carols by unaccompanied Choirs Sacred Choral Christmas Baroque Christmas Gregorian Christmas Our Albums with Christmas Music are these: Christus est natus Harmonia Pastoralis Tempus Nativitatis Here are is the playlist with Gregorian […]
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Christus est natus
We have published a new Digital Album with Selection of our live recordings of Christmas Music. Check out for example:
Continue ReadingHarmonia Pastoralis
Naše nové CD je na svete! Volá sa Harmonia Pastoralis a nahrali sme ho spolu s renomovaným súborom starých nástrojov Ritornello (ČR) pod vedením jeho vedúceho Michaela Pospíšila. Bližšie informácie o všetkom, čo s týmto albumom súvisí nájdete na samostatnej stránke hp.gregoriana.sk. Na tejto stránke si môžete celý tento album aj vypočuť.
Continue ReadingConcert in Kremnica
The festival “Music under diamond vault” (whose organizer is the famous Slovak violinist Peter Michalica) is taking place for the 13th time in Kremnica. The festival started with its first concert on 14th June and will continue every Friday till the concert of the Vocal ensemble Gregoriana takes place on 19th July 2013. The concert […]
Continue ReadingRihards Dubra: O crux, ave
YouTube Direkt
Continue ReadingKošice 2013
Our home City – Košice – became the European Capital of Culture for 2013 together with rench city of Marseille. Opening ceremony with lot of diferent programs take place on 19th and 20th january. A part of it is also the concert of Vocal Ensemble Gregoriana on Suterday, 19th january at 5:15 in St. Elisabeth Cathedral […]
Continue ReadingA solis ortus cardine
YouTube Direkt
Continue ReadingJean Mouton: Hodie Christus natus est
YouTube Direkt
Continue ReadingIn illo tempore: Tempus nativitatis
The third Album of Vocal ensemble Gregoriana – the second one of our series In illo tempore has been released. We have named it according to the liturgical season which it illustrates – Tempus nativitatis (Christmas season). The aim of the series In illo tempore is to revive the old Slovak musical manuscripts dated before […]
Continue ReadingSlávnostné Martinské vešpery v spišskej katedrále
V rámci projektu “Spišský Graduál Juraja z Kežmarku” ktorého iniciátorom a organizátorom je združenie Feman sa v sobotu 10.11.2012 o 17:00 uskutočnia v katedrále sv. Martina v Spišskej Kapitule slávnostné vešpery pri príležitosti sviatku sv. Martina z Tours, biskupa – patróna spišskej diecézy. Pod vedením Jiřího Hodinu (Praha) sa spevom do slávenia vešpier zapoja: Svatomichalská […]
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