Premonstratensian abbey monks in Jasov elected on 7.7.2009 new Abbot for next six years. The new Abbot is P. Ambróz Martin Štrbák, O. Praem. On sunday, 30.8.2009 at 15.00, festive Holy Mass associated with the blessing of a new abbot will be held in Jasov. Music of the liturgy provide the Kosice’s State Theatre Orchestra, […]
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Gregorian Chant Days in Košice
An Event named “Gregorian Chant Days in Košice” is to be held in our City from 2nd trough 4th of february 2009. Participants could study and sing under the leading of famous italian specialist Nino Albarosa. More details only in slovak version of this post.
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Prof. Dr. phil. Johannes Göschl leads in November workshop in Waldsassen. Information in German and Czech are on the site Bavaria Bohemia Online. Deadline is October 19.
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David Eben in Košice
Well-known czech specialist on Gregorian chant and art director of the ensemble Schola Gregoriana Pragensis is going to visit Košice (Slovakia) and we can meet him on Theologic Faculty of Catholic University on October 15. Quoting from the website of Schola gregoriana Pragensis: D avid E ben (born on the 6th of January 1965 in […]
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Alberto Turco in Košice
Internationally acknowledged Italian specialist on Gregorian chant Alberto Turco is going to visit Košice, Slovakia. He will lead here Workshop called Music between Heaven and Earth – Gregorian chant Workshop organizes Liturgical Institute of Ján Jalovecký (Theologic Faculty of Catholic University). It will be held from 17th – 19th march 2007 on Hlavná 89 Street […]
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Czech Sacred Music Society organizes already 4th year of International Summer School of Sacred Music – Convivium. It will be held from 18th to 26th august 2007 in Premonstratensian Abbey Želiv (Czech Republic). Workshop and Lectors: Gregorian class – Jiří Hodina (Czech Republic) Organ class – Vincent Rigot (France) Solo singing – Nicki Kennedy (Great […]
Continue ReadingAISCGre
Za skratkou AISCGre sa skrýva názov medzinárodnej asociácie pre štúdium gregoriánskeho chorálu – Associazione Internazionale Studi di Canto Gregoriano. Na stránke sú odkazy na jednotlivé jazykové sekcie – taliansku, nemeckú a španielsku. Stránka nemeckej sekcie ponúka aktuality zo sveta chorálu, informácie o kurzoch, ktoré organizuje, predstavuje interpretov (scholy), upozorňuje na koncerty a chorálne nahrávky. […]
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V termíne 27.8. – 3.9.2006 organizuje Společnost pro duchovní hudbu tretí ročník medzinárodnej letnej školy duchovnej hudby Convivium. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete v tomto dokumente, alebo na stránkach projektu.
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