You can read about our activities and listen to live recordings of our concerts in the category Gregoriana.
The mission and goals of association Gregoriana
Excerpt of statute:
The main mission of our association is research and performing of gregorian chant and to bring this remarkable phenomen of european culture to the general public.
To achieve this mission, association sets this targets:
- to associate people with interrest in gregorian chant
- to organize workshops, rehearsals, concerts, tours and other activieties
- to provide needed Literature, scores, recordings and other resources
- to support use of gregorian chant in liturgy
- to publish website with informations for all interested in gregorian chant
- to obtain wherewithall to achieve the goals and misson of the association.
Association was created in november 2004. Members of the association formed also vocal ensemble Gregoriana, which since then performs regularly at Latin services in the st. Elisabeth Cathedral in Košice, Slovakia.
The repertory of the ensemble except Gregorian chant consists mainly of the renaissance and medieval polyphony, but also present church choral works. Besides performing at the liturgy the ensemble performs at concerts, mostly in Košice and its neighborhood. The ensemble’s members are amateur singers with singing experience from other choirs.
A head of the ensemble is Marek Klein (1969). He is interested in Gregorian Chant from 1992. Besides the self-study and liturgical praxis he attended several courses and events connected with Gregorian chant under the guidance of personalities as Jiří Hodina, David Eben, Louis-Marie Vigne, Alberto Turco, Nino Albarosa, Dom Yves-Marie Leliévre. He also participates in organisation of events of this kind.